Thursday, 18 August 2016

We're 1 in 100!

Some of the Mitchells "quines" Judy, Angela, Kathleen and Mooorial the coo
(photo credit S Price, FSB)

We at Mitchells are delighted to have been selected as one of the 100 small businesses to be featured in the national 2016 Small Business Saturday campaign.  

Small Business Saturday is a not-for-profit organisation which aims to highlight the importance of small businesses and the contributions they make to their local communities. 

In the run up to Small Business Saturday on 3 December, each of the lucky 100 selected businesses will get a day of fame and publicity on social media and we are thrilled to be one of them!

More information and and list of the other businesses selected can be found in this recent press article   and you can follow SmallBizSatUK on Twitter here and Facebook here 

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Saturday, 6 August 2016

Summertime News from Mitchells

Summer of Fun Hamper competition
Thank you to everyone who entered into our recent Summer of Fun hamper draw. We are delighted to announce the lucky winner of this hamper full of fun and tasty summer treats is Bethan. Congratulations to you Bethan and we hope the suns shines for you to enjoy your prize!

Whether it's picnic weather or not, Mitchells hampers brimming with fabulous produce make an ideal gift all year round.  Please click here to find out more..

It's Time for Ice Cream!
.......or more to the point it's time for a Mitchells ice cream!
Mitchells ice cream is available in 3 delicious flavours – Luxury Dairy, Crannachan and Blueberries & Cream. A great example of local family businesses working together to produce fantastic tasting products, Mitchells ice cream is made using Aberdeenshire grown ingredients from Barra Berries and Castleton Farm in partnership with Rizzas of Huntly who produce and distribute our own-recipes.
Suitable for vegetarians and gluten free, Mitchells ice cream is available from our own shop in Inverurie and selected outlets in a range of container sizes from individual 120ml spoon-in-lid to 5litre catering,

Good Luck to Inverurie's "Golden Girl" Hannah Miley in Rio

As excitement is builds for the start of the 2016 Olympics in Rio we are remembering the day the people of Inverurie got together in the town centre to celebrate the success of our local 2012 Commonwealth Games medal winners Hannah Miley and Vio Etko.  In a fun twist to the tradition of postboxes in the home towns of Olympic medal winner being painted gold, we at Mitchells honoured Hannah's Commonwealth gold medal win in swimming by turning Mooorial, our life size mascot cow, gold.

So from one Inverurie golden girl to another, Mooorial and the rest of the team at Mitchells wish Hannah and all Team GB athletes the very best of luck in Rio.

 Like Hannah, Mooorial has become quite a local celebrity and often has her photo taken by fans.  We love seeing your photos so be sure to share with us using the hashtag #LoveMooorial

Bon Accord Drinks are Back!

Do you remember Scottish family favourite Bon Accord Drinks which disappeared from the market 16 years ago?  Well, good news!  Thanks to Karen Knowles (pictured here with our Mooorial), great grand-daughter of the original brand's founder, Bon Accord Drinks are back!  Karen has created an innovative range of three sugar free soft drinks for the modern day market.  Choose from Cloudy Lemonade, Sparking Rhubarb and Scottish Tonic Water all available in our shop now.

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